Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My speech to My BestFriend

Good Evening,
Ladies and Gentlemen and Friends,
We are gathered here today under the boon of their compassion and to celebrate the love and devotion of Jeremiah and Cheryl. I'd also like to thank the bride and groom, for despite the many foolish things I have done in the past, they still believe me to be worthy of the honour they have bestowed upon me. For it's truly an honour to have been included as a witness during the magical union of two of my closest friends, both of whom I hold in the highest regard.
For those of you who don't know me, my name is Michael and Jeremiah is my best friend; I met Jeremiah in a manner that was typical of boys our age, hahaha not wanting to get into further details.
Suffice it to say that the reminder of our relationship has been antithesis to that first meeting.
I can't say enough nice things about Jeremiah. He is the most caring and selfless person I ever and known. He is the very model of the perfect companion.
So many of my memories are of when we were just boys, but now I look at the man he has developed into and I swell up with pride to be able to call him my brother. It's not said enough or sometimes it's not said at all, but my brother is a person that I have always (or come to) had a great deal of love and respect for. Growing up Jeremiah and I may not always have seen eye to eye, but has we've gotten older I realise that I have learned a great deal from watching and spending time with him. It doesn't matter if your brother is older or younger than you; you can always learn if you're willing to listen and pay attention. I've learned to be a better person because of him. I've learned patience, understanding, strength, loyalty and love from Jeremiah.
Cheryl, I have known her since our first year in college. She has been nothing but a kind and generous friend to me, often going out of her way to offer me a gentle word when I desired none.
I will never forget the day when Jeremiah asked me for a favour to pick Cheryl from her College and drop her home. On the way while driving, Cheryl puts a CD into the player. And of all the artist on earth .it was Britney Spears. At that point of time I did not really fancy Britney spears with all the hooha's about her, So I started making fun of Britney, all of sudden, she smacked me with a pile of books. This explain the flat nose!!!!!!!
Well I can go on and on.. infact even write an autobiography of Jeremiah and Cheryl ,but I'll leave some for the other to speak.
I am delighted beyond words that two of them whom are close my heart have found happiness in each other. Ladies and Gentleman, Today Jeremiah and Cheryl,embark on the voyage of marriage that is blessed by the almighty and all of us seated in this wedding hall,
The great mystery writer Agatha Christie once said that an archaeologist is the best kind of husband a woman can have - the older she gets the more interest he takes in her. Who are we to argue with a best selling author?
May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back? May the sun shine warm upon your face, the rains fall soft upon your fields. And, until we meet again, May God holds you in the palm of his hand.7
To my best friends' Jeremiah and Cheryl, who I have always loved, I wish the both of you all the happiness in the world and may you bring each other patience, understanding, strength, loyalty, and love from this day forward, until death do you part!
Once again I would like to thank the both of you for giving me this golden once in a lifetime opportunity to give a speech on this very lovely evening.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Will you ..................

love me and get to know me better, so i can be with you and spend evening and morning ,nights and afternoon with you. for tea and snuggle in the sofa and hold you close go for walks ,argue with you, tantrum with you and kiss you, love you, miss you, and snuggle while ur sleeping. and kiss you in the morning, and hold you close at night,share coffee and popcorn,comfort when your sick and stressed, make you smile when your sad, laugh with you,cry with you, sharea bucket of ice cream when thing go so wrong. laugh together......................

Monday, April 27, 2009


Some day when i am awfully alone when the world is cold i feel a glow just thinking of you and the way you look tonight.
Indulge in 31 flavor’s that is packed In a tub, memories a re faded, constant moving has slowed the soul, and uncertainty clouds thoughts, doubts raise, momentarily in dark, section by fear, sleep overtakes and rest there, and boxes of tens, cool to the touch , warm so much, white to your left and red to your right, all that i seen. realize love that seek lies right in between.delicate way, chill in the veins ,leaves from pain again and again, lose all control, taking control, no longer sane, don’t be afraid the love show is love make. in control , just a a slave….
you are good as rest , better dress, pink is the color and won’t drink from others ever.
Enchanted by tales, Fascinated by the marvelous nature of itself.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Friday morning, after a lovely day of snowing on Thursday, and all is turning into ice and it gets colder and sitting here and watching these cloudy day from the window. Just a thought that in week’s time on the Wednesday it be valentine’s day. To bear in mind I am single still and the though of Valentine’s Day. Didn’t really much matter as it is as normal as any other day to me. It just Valentine’s Day and what is so special about it and well to those who are together and really need to show their love then yes but then apart for being single, the only way to enjoy it is to go out and get drunk and have good time with friends that are single.

But just to hear her sweet name makes my check bones go up and I start blushing and the thought of her is just amazing, let just say that she is indeed a special friend. Do bear in mind I never meet this lady. A wonderful lady that is miles from me and is down to earth, jolly person. She has a sweet smile and cute dimples, the little things she does make me smile every morning I wake up. She is caring and very independent women. She is smart and knows what she wants. She is a tomboy but also can be lady like. I love talking to her over the phone and sometimes when I call her and have nothing to talk about but in the end the conversation goes up to an hour.

Even if she came online and when she says hello, I just go weak on my knees and I just smile. She is beautiful at heart, mind and soul. Her smile can light up someone’s day. She is loving person at heart and wonderful person. She is helpful and thoughtful, she is kind hearted, charming, shy, simple, friendly, funny and sensitive. Did I mention she is also sensuous lady? She loves the rain. She draws well. Has a good imagination and creative. She loves music and is a rock chic. No matter how cold the weather gets and thinking of her makes me feel warm. And when she calls in the morning and whisper’s softly in to my ear to say good morning. Hearing her soft voice makes me smile and I be up in jiffy and dashed out the door straight to face the day. It going to be two years now, and I enjoy her company a lot, I miss her a lot. I love when she calls me in the morning, I love when she send me prayers,

I love when she says thank you, I love when messages me to say have a nice weekend, weekday or a good day, I love that she makes me smile, I love when she say nothing means something. I never knew if she knew that I do cherish her as women. I like her for who she is. She is just she, and it is all bout she, it took me less than a sec to fall in love but it took me a while just to get to know her and I still have along way to go. I respect this woman for the women who is she and the women she wants to be. She will never know how much i love her, i cherish this lady, i adore her armour. i adore her. I just want to say I miss you, dearly.

Signed, Sealed and truly yours…………………………………………….

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Black -

Black is the color of objects that do not emit or reflect light in any part of the visible spectrum; they absorb all such frequencies of light. Although black is sometimes described as an "achromatic", or hueless, color, in practice it can be considered a color, as in expressions like "black cat" or "black paint".

Black can be defined as the visual impression experienced when no visible light reaches the eye. (This makes a contrast with whiteness, the impression of any combination of colors of light that equally stimulates all three types of color-sensitive visual receptors.)
Pigments that absorb light rather than reflect it back to the eye "look black". A black pigment can, however, result from a combination of several pigments that collectively absorb all colors. If appropriate proportions of three primary pigments are mixed, the result reflects so little light as to be called "black".

This provides two superficially opposite but actually complementary descriptions of black. Black is the lack of all colors of light, or an exhaustive combination of multiple colors of pigment. See also Primary colors

In physics, a black body is a perfect absorber of light, but by a rule derived by Einstein it is also, when heated, the best emitter. Thus, the best radiative cooling, out of sunlight, is by using black paint, though it is important that it be black (a nearly perfect absorber) in the infrared as well.
In elementary science, far Ultraviolet light is called "black light" because, unseen, it causes many minerals and other substances to fluoresce.
On January 16, 2008, researchers from Troy, New York’s Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute announced the creation of the darkest material on the planet. The material, which reflects only .045 percent of light, was created from carbon nanotubes stood on end. It absorbs nearly 30 times more light than the current standard for blackness, and is 3 times darker than the current record holder for darkest substance. Scientists claim that the new material has great potential in the manufacturing of solar panels.

A material is said to be black if most incoming light is absorbed equally in the material. Light (electromagnetic radiation in the visible spectrum) interacts with the atoms and molecules which causes the energy of the light to be converted in to other forms of energy, usually heat. This means that black surfaces can act as thermal collectors, absorbing light and generating heat(see Solar thermal collector).
Absorption of light is contrasted by transmission, reflection and diffusion, where the light is only redirected, causing objects to appear transparent, reflective or white respectively.

walking the highyway under rising sun. it was more like we brought the sun to the sky and light all the highways to life,
we are rich in heart& soul, down to earth from beat of life,rhymes with laughter and embraced by the warmth of friendship.
Indulgens of all flavours in life, embrace the beginning of life,departed and re~united like Men of Souls.
~We ride together, We die togetherWe are bad boys for life ~

Chasing cars

walking as the wind blew , couples passing by holding hands, smiling and laughing and enjoying the friday evening. took a strool for dinner ,and it was bleek, seems lost, certain things happened without reason, to stand and explain. most things are subtle, most are irrelevant detail that don’t bother me. though it courage, though calm,cool and composed. it took a part of me to hear those words. what can i do make it better, to stand in the midlle. do not choose sides. most are forgiving . most are thinking about it. dazed and confused. wondering what to do now. sitting here so toally lost with out any directions. to stand and give the respect is to misunderstood, ho hell has no fury as a women scorned, but wrath is dampen by a impact unforetold by many.

the word so commonly used as it was put to sale by marketing agencies. so it has no value or meaning, the structure that it holds is now eing faught to maintain it diginty.
aspects of one doesn’t seem to understand. reason to live by.
head on the phone, tears shed in private,
right now all on my own.
will be better for good.
i pray

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Nothing is better than the unintended humor of reality

Good morning, Good afternoon, Good Evening, Good night to where ever you are.

It is a Saturday and it seems like a pretty long day. I mean a long day that even a latte would not help as you would have kept thinking about the day that was so long and it was long that you would even wonder that the time was never there for a minute as you already felt tired and right bout to give on most thing

Saturday not Monday but it sure felt like Monday. Monday, n. In Christian countries, the day after the baseball game. Yes definitely.

It did. Mostly because that damn shower head always seems to explode due to the pressure of water when it suppose to be made that it lock still, but this bugger seems to like aim on my head, knowing he always miss the target and I end up getting busted by land lord who seems to just burst into the bathroom without even knocking a fire away like a Automatic Ak-47, that dodging his bullets where easy but the after effect of an after bleeding ears is just impossible. More likely He does sound like an old vinyl that had scratch on it and yea. It sounded awful. Even worst than my grandmother who nagging the life out of me.

Yea bore. Bore n. A person who talks when you wish him to listen.

But then as I headed to the local store to get my day pass that is bout, enough to take a bunch of friend for lunch to the nearest local food stall. And took a walk to the bus stop with the wind blowing and man you can see everything that is going with it, even a wig of that man. And trust to see a cat fly way up high, I stood there and my jaw ran away whilst I had to catch a bus which was bout few minutes. Manage to reach the bus stop and as I board the bus and took a seat in which is by the window of a double Decker bus and the chances the driver might drive thru a low bridge is kind of hard to tell if he ever did. But here you never know if the bridge is low due to missing sign unless u drives thru it. But as people board and took their seats. I didn’t pay attention as my music was loud but then as I took out my earphones. The voices and spoken language caught my attention. It was not English but it was their mother tongue. Every child,
women and man that was in the bus was speaking different languages. And where of all to find that was in London, a city so big that the language barrier is just way out of hand.

And to matter worst this fat ass lady comes squeezing in and saying to me can you move a little, I mean like where, you want me to hang on the window to give you space to sit. I mean she was so big she got stuck on the stair way whilst here way down a bunch of them had to push her out the bus. Yea, I had one side of face flatted due to being stuck to the glass for bout 45 minutes. It is definitely not a Saturday to be asked for, sounded more like a Monday blue and what a drag it was.
But you know what

Self-denial is indulgence of a propensity to forego.
Have a good day……………………..

Totalitarianism is patriotism institutionalized

Friends, Greeks & Fellow Romans,

And to taxpayers and politicians that lie just to about everything in order to keep their well kept status or rather say their Swiss bank account stable and their large bedroom mansions. Sound like a bunch of idiots.

Idiot, n. A member of a large and powerful tribe whose influence in human affairs has always been dominant and controlling.

Funny it seems that we forget just about everything about us. Who we are and what we did and before we became that someone famous, but during all this time a friend and people where around your times of trouble will remind you about the little gestures that makes the big things happen. And when we forget about yourself, there is that one person, this specific person that makes you go on your knees and remind what was like back in the old days.

What happened if the rich became the richer, the poor became the poorer and vice versa. What if day was night and night was day. What would you do?
Funny but a visit to my friend’s house wasn’t much as I would thought. Just dropping by and to hear his father call me a stranger. Though I been a few times, but to a fact I am called a stranger made me feel a little uncomfortable. I realise this since I been away from home and being far, the courtesy and respect kind of just slipped. Disappearing into thin air. As he walked me to the train station and passed some people. Each time someone passed us, he would bow his head and say ” evening” to them. Well some replied with a smile. But some just passed and we continued walking. And a bout half way thru, a man passed us and my friend said the same thing. But as he passed us and walked a couple of meters. My friend turned to me and said the bastard didn’t reply. And I looked at him with a smile and said this why there is no point, thought I know he made his point of being nice, but many take in a rude manner. So I told him we are not living in the 1940’s or the 60’s to say good evening politely when someone passes us, a sign to say hello in fact. But living in a

Circus, n. A place where horses, ponies and elephants are permitted to see men, women and children acting the fool.

And well yea we are sometimes Erudition. Erudition, n. Dust shaken out of a book into an empty skull
Politics, n. A strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles. The conduct of public affairs for private advantage.


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Look for a Star

When i was little,I heard on the radio ,Happiness was a crystal ball,it was shattered as it fell to the ground,Everyone can pick up the pieces,Everyone has the right to embrace happiness however hard you try,you can't have it all,but you get some if you try

in my mind

"Had I the heavens' embroidered cloths, Enwrought with golden and silver light, The blue and the dim and the dark cloths Of night and light and the half-light, I would spread the cloths under your feet: But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.''

I would love to begin to say one day , but let me write or say something new. Yo bitch ass i got some shit to say man or the white man of saying One fine day when things where a little different. You be amused of they how we interpreted things and what we do. many things which is said or done has a little affect and will have certain kind of effect. how or why. defining or what it may be. but the effect can be slow but sometimes it be quick . I meet a guy who was selling his products but i denied his products and my boss gave his order to get his products. but he said to me u not decision maker u do not intended to save your boss money. but i told him i was not order to save money but was given specific instruction to chase you away. he said you look different. i said i am different by color by race , and by who i am. but i am human . i have red blood if i cut myself. but i asked him what do you see outside this large window. he said i see chaos. nothing but chaos outside. i said look beyond the chaos. same reply chaos was not he saw but it was in his mind. believe is what you see and think you see the real. He ask me what i saw. In reply i told him i saw blue green red and more. he said u lied. i said no. but that is what i saw. Imagine you stood by a large window on a ground floor and watched people move outside. Now imagine the window and you where 110 story high. How you feeling now. You standing close to a big window 110 story's high. look below and what do you see. I see i have the world under my feet and i am king of hill. No i see the world below my feet but i am not the king. I saw more than what he saw. i see love. love that was never said or done. love that keep the world together and the song people sing is for earth . maybe a way of saying thank you for this wonderful place. it is actually love. You do see it everywhere.Remember the days as i was a kid i walked the streets back home. the sun hovering above us as we played football in the dirt and going around in our bicycles and time was so slow u barely realize the time . Back as children then we lived the carefree lives and we see adults who look like huge tree and moving around. back then i was always now which sweet is better and i as i lay in my bed i wondered if there was Timbuktu place. and where is the entrance to it. i was kinda like myself a treasure hunter going through obstacles and fight bad villains and saving the treasure. or when get my bike i picture my myself driving a 500 cc cruising down the on the racing track.Now I am walking my fat ass in the fucking cold and have bills to sort and people come running to ask me money like i m a supermarket that have discounted rates. and they go missing. now this is when i really think what the fuck is wrong here. Am i missing something. No, i know you not going to say every dog has it's day. but i tell You what my friend told me or what i use to say. well make it what we both said. '' life is a bitch then u marry one is what my friend said. well i told him life s a bitch and u moan with it. now what is better. the moaning or marrying one. or should i just say that '' Women you can't live with them and you can 't live without them '' . Right .... . This is sometimes confusing when somebody comes and ask you when the next train arrives. and you give that look and start going , um-mm , err , aah and then finally u say i don't know. now i bet she would bitch smacked your black or whatever color was your ass at that time of point. Basically i was was when i stood in a train station waiting for a train to arrive.but what i did not realize was my jacket i was wearing. it matched the staff of the train station. and i mistaken for working there. Until i told some people i do not work here. but this nice old lady which said You do fit in the customer service department. Now Excuse me lady i have to get back home to watch Simpson's. Duhhh. Summer came and when. Autumn settled in and it took a time to see the wondrous colors form around. from the beautiful yellow gold to the stunning green and the reds on certain parts just goes well and the day was getting shorter. Winter came like a big bang and sign of the festive spirit which is Christmas comes in. A sign of giving and receiving. saying many thanks, healing old patches , getting new friends and thoughts of the times with your old friends and sitting by the fire with your loved ones. As i recall all i ever did was get drunk before going to church and after church. Yes try standing two hrs straight while u been drinking from morning till the time u need to get to church and visit god. Yes and put on a straight smile. but you know deep down that is not the straight smile of saying I'm fine thank you. where else when everyone sits you stand when everyone stand you sit. Now been there done that. Michael Buble - Home . I listen to this song quite now and then followed by Simply Red - If you don't know me by now and later Eric Clapton - Wonderful tonight and Frank Sinatra - I got you Under My skin and Elvis Presley - love me tender. Still listening to all this song there is this One song is always ringing in my head . And it started like when Oh if you see me screaming but deep in my mind i am only dreaming and if i wake up and you by my side. Never knew why but what love really got to do? seriously anything you do what is love go to do i am puzzled anyways. cause the love part seriously never hit me and being by myself sounds fine to me.Sunday morning is the best time to get up early and get your lazy ass to church. now if i remember quiet well of my mom shouting at me to hurry or will be late. Not late of attending the mass but she wanted to get a good seating position. Yes, if you walk into a church you try to look for the best seat, as if you walking to watch a football match or attending a concert. everybody wants to get the best seat to see the priest. well to be honest with you i always thought that all priest were gay. Well i thought some priest did look like Elvis Presley or the gay George Michael. (that is when i was a young boy ). Yes , when you sit down try to look around you and you see all these people hovering about trying different seating positions. i wonder do you come to pay your respect to god or you trying to seek attention from the priest showing your an angel with the golden ring above your head. Now to me no matter if i stand or sit it makes no differences. Yes i slept during mass time. yup it is me . i dunno but when the priest start preaching bout the kingdoms of heaven or the thought of the day there i was snoring loudly and all will stare and my friends and family . wakey wakey. . for peet sake you snoring a bit too loud. And i m like yes yes oh be saying the prayer which did not fit into the mass part. The time i wake up is when i hear mass had ended go and in peace . funny i always sleep during mass time only. never knew why but i just dozed out straight away.Now that time is different. i meat new people . new places to see. well to me i speak to anyone on the road or anywhere i see. and i did this couple of times. i was stuck in a traffic jams. due to some stupid women who forgot to fill her radiator with water. other side had accident. so two ways were blocked badly. and my car window was down and on the other side was a guy smoking. i turned looked and and suddenly said hi. he turned and replayed. as we chatted my Friend look in disbelief and was astound to what was going on. when the cars started move and the traffic was easing. we bid goodbye. the my friend ask me. did you know him. i said no i don't i told i was bored and you were not talking so i had to kill time . My friend's face changed and he told me now what are u doing. You simply can't go say hi to somebody, well i just did. and times waiting at the bus stop or train station. So and so even the conductor or taxi driver will give me free ticket or ride to my destination. not to mention of me going to visit my aunt after along time and an hour to the journey the bus driver informs us that there a slight problem with the bus and have to make a quick stop. what supposed to be a two hours journey became a 5 hours wait an we all ended up in taxi's payed by the company. now that is not service. where is my high tea. and i getting fired cause i was late. excuse me aunt but it wasn't me. now where did i hear that wasn't me thing. yes the bank. oops.Extraordinary. Ever watched the movie Bruce Almighty. Well i did. I realize that sometimes We have the power to do things that are impossible. but deep down we have amazing strenght and it takes to extreme lenghts in our lives. Many of us always run to god to ask him for help and show us the way. I only say thanks. When you look after yourself , god is there. No when doing something . do whole heartily and end of the day u will not have a single guilty feeling. No matter in work , life or love. Everything is possible. Yes like a mum who works yet has time to take her kids to the movie and come home and cook dinner. i say she more than a woman. but that is extraordinary. amen